Monday, June 27, 2011

Waste Management; Biodiversity, Energy; Water; Culture and Heritage are the key activities for school eco- clubs-Agriculture students’ project outlay:

Agriculure college students activity plan for Eco-clubs in schools
Trichy Anbil Dharmalingam Agriculture college of Tamilnadu Agriculture University 12 girls students camping at SEVAI Community college preemies at Arumbuhalnagar near Sirugamani proposes to work for climate change and sustainability education programme for SEVAI Shanthi School and its neighborhoods. The Agriculture College outreach program students aim at creating Friends of the Environment in school across villages, who would undertake action towards increasing activities for environmental sustainability. The programme involves students in hands-on projects to provide them an understanding about their immediate environment; their school, neighbourhood, village and national and international issues. The SEVAI, a local NGO would be someone who has taken part in activities in the following areas: Waste Management; Biodiversity, Energy; Water; Culture and Heritage. Here is a brief on the programme and how teachers and students can take part. An Action-based Programme for students that envisions creating Friends of the Environment in school across neighbourhoods.The purpose of the programme is to create network of students across the villages who have the knowledge, awareness and commitment to meet the challenges of global citizenship and Climate Change. The students said that the project aims to guide, facilitate, capacity build students through activities and co-curricular action projects to take positive environmental action at individual, community, national and global level.
The students seek to reach students in classes from standards 6–9 (age group 11-15).
Everyday actions of individuals add up and have a global influence both positive and negative. Everything human needs and use in their daily life involves exhaustive use of materials and energy. The students said that School is a place where students spend anywhere from 5-8 hours a day. In fact, this is where a considerable time of their waking hours is spent. The school time and space provide a wonderful opportunity for not only syllabus related learning, but equally, the development of life-skills through extracurricular and co- curricular activities, and interactions with peers. The school provides a structured opportunity to make every child a change agent. And every child takes back the experiences and learnings from the school to his/her home/community. This way, Eco friendly messages and actions will reach to households across their villages. The students have to carry out and complete at least five activities in each of these five themes. Most of the activities will be carried out in the school.The eco club students would carry out the activities in greater depth and spend more time on these. Of these activities, at least one has to be carried out in the student's family or community.The schools/Eco Clubs would need to document the activities undertaken and report the quantifiable changes observed. The Trichy Anbil Dharmalingam Agriculture college of Tamilnadu Agriculture University students said “The teacher is the key motivator and facilitator of this project. The teacher, working closely with students, needs to identify the local issues, curricular linkages to plan and schedule the activities to be undertaken, and provide the necessary guidance to students to undertake the activities in a systematic manner, taking care that the objectives are achieved. The teacher should encourage students to document and share the experience, processes and learnings from the activities. Teachers will prepare and submit reports in the required format.Dr.K.Govindaraju, Director SEVAI facilitated the project preparations and the students come out with clear cut plans for the implementation of Eco-club activities in and around the schools and neighbourhoods”.-Govin

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