Sunday, June 26, 2011

HIV/AIDS Prevention and reduction of new cases-Educators Social Responsibility-Dr.K.Govindaraju.

Dr.K.Govindaraju interacts with SHG women on HIV/AIDS prevention
Trichy: 26, June: HIV/AIDS Prevention and reduction of new cases-Educators Social Responsibility said Dr.K.Govindaraju, chairman of OZONE in a SHG meeting in Trichy.TANSAC and Corporation of Women Development organize intensive training for Self Help Group women members on HIV/AIDS prevention, care and Support. In Trichy around 3000 women Self Help group leaders had already been trained in SEVAI and SEVAI Resource training team trained the women Self help group leaders on various aspects of HIV/AIDS and enlightened the ongoing projects of Link workers scheme in rural areas, target intervention in Trichy city area. Dr.K.Govindaraju, Chairman of South Zone Board of Continuing Education, (OZONE) delivered the key note address for Andanallur Block SHGs on Friday, the 24th June regarding the social responsibilities of general population and Panchayat level federations for working towards cutting the new prevalence to Zero Level in Trichy District. Dr.K.Govindaraju further added “Targeted Intervention (TI) is one of the HIV/AIDS projects of SEVAI in Trichirappalli City supported by APAC-Chennai. As the number of infections grew, the AIDS Prevention and Control Project (APAC) were started in TN and Pondicherry under a tripartite agreement between Voluntary Health Services (VHS), a charitable Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) in Chennai, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government of India through its National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO). The project focus is on behavioural modification: Through a multi- pronged strategy, behaviour change in the high-risk groups is encouraged. Focused designing of messages are designed and organised according to the need of the recipient. Quality of services: Availability of services and treatment for STD and HIV/AIDS sufferers by qualified medical professionals, and availability of quality condoms for prevention of infection. Sustainability of the activities has driven all the strategies of APAC, including: Raising the capacity of service providers to deliver messages more effectively to meet the programme needs. Spreading awareness of STIs and HIV/AIDS through multiple channels and training of healthcare providers in the area to meet demand.
The Program is designed to reduce the rate of HIV transmission among the Core Group viz. Female Sex Workers (FSWs), Men having Sex with Men (MSMs) and Injecting Drug Users (IDUs). Targeted intervention (TI) focuses in containing the spread of HIV among marginalized and vulnerable high risk populations has been an essential part of the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP). The Projects aims at behavioural modification among target communities, from unsafe sexual or injecting practices to safe sex practices and injecting practices.SEVAI/APAC Targeted Intervention focuses on Sexual Minorities who practice risky sexual behavior, to prevent and control the spread of HIV/AIDS among them and preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS through high risk groups to bridge population and general community. Teamwork of the wider society has been in operation for effective implementation of the Targeted Intervention projects designed to address the social issue of HIV/AIDS, this collaboration of different levels of society is being realized by convincing them of the relevance of intervention to tackle the problem. SEVAI/APAC TI project in Trichy city conducts activities to overcome social stigma as SEVAI as local NGO has strong roots and appreciably good local support, are selected for the task, thus, implementation of TI projects has become possible and created awareness among  the society aware of HIV/AIDS which has developed into a social problem more than a mere state of illness; convincing the society of its responsibility to control HIV/AIDS and promote sexual health, the future responsibility of tackling the problem and implementation of sexual health programmes. The success is indicated by the fact that there is a cardinal shift in environment, from that of resistance, apathy and indifference to that of sharing and owning up project responsibility. Promotion of condoms, linkages to STI (sexually transmitted infection) services and health services with a strong referral and follow-up system, Promotion/distribution of free condoms and other commodities (e.g. lubricants for MSM, needles/syringes for IDUs),Provision of basic STI and health services (including abscess management and oral substitution therapy for IDUs and also oral/anal STI services for MSM/TGs),Linkages to other health services (e.g. for TB) and integrated counselling and testing centres (ICTC),Provision of safe spaces (drop-in-centres or DICs) and Creating an Enabling Environment such as Advocacy with key stakeholders/power structures, Crisis management systems and legal rights. The APAC model is unique and this model has set an important standard for productive partnership of the government with private sector institutions. The spread of HIV/AIDS is associated with behaviour. Generating awareness and changing behaviour therefore reduced its transmission”. Project Director, SEVAI,Mrs.P.Chitra mentioned that SEVAI values peoples’ participation in everything that happens in their community and  mobilizes and organises communities and strengthen them through capacity building, exposure & opportunity, SEVAI values  gender equality and equity by empowering  women through the formation of groups which involve them in the decision making process, focuses on disadvantaged sections of our society, especially women and children constantly working to enhance the resource base and economic opportunities of our target groups and developing strategies for sustainable livelihoods,SEVAI  respects for people’s customs, traditions, practices, culture, resources, manpower, skills, knowledge, experience and techniques-Govin

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