Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trees are integral part of our lives-D.Monika

Trees are integral part of our lives; they provide us with oxygen, fruits, shade, shelter, scenery, medicine, construction material, energy. They are associated with all five elements of life earth, sky, air, fire, and water. Each one of us requires 625 square feet surface area of greenery to produce our daily oxygen needs, isn't that good enough reason to save trees and in turn save ourselves from the danger of pollution and global warming. Trees cancel out the carbon dioxide emissions that we make in daily life, your carbon footprint, just from the power you use boiling the kettle, watching TV, driving the car, and they all use power and cause carbon dioxide emissions, creating a carbon footprint.  Trees are a fundamental to life on Earth. Trees are important, valuable and necessary for the existence of any living creature on earth. They are essential to life as we know it and are the ground troops on an environmental frontline. “a nations health can be gauged by the area under Tree cover” and  cutting them indiscriminately is a great wrong to humanity, whether it is noise pollution, lung diseases, global warming/climate change, droughts etc, its all has something to do with lack of greenery in our surroundings. . Trees are important for nature, because they are the beauty of the nature. Trees are important for our future, because it is helping us .Trees represent life on this vast earth.  They should be protected at any cost in this era of urbanization & industrialization and global warming. Trees are silent and selfless servers that work non-stop 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without a single second's break. They produce oxygen by a process called Photosynthesis whereby it absorbs harmful carbon dioxide and releases several thousands of rupees worth of life- giving oxygen free of cost. If there is a steep depletion of forest cover, then the quantity of oxygen in the air is sure to go down. Not only as producers of oxygen are trees important in making the earth a more livable place: they act as very good sound barriers reducing noise pollution; and the green curtain reduces the force of wind, which otherwise will blow up so much dust and sand that we'll hardly be able to see who is next to us. Trees cool hot days and keep warm at nights. There is not a single part of tree which is not useful, with their beautiful foliage, fragrant flowers, cool shade, roots, bark, wood, sprouts and fruits they serve.  Nobody returns without benefiting who approaches the tree. The importance of Trees in purifying the air, as natural resources, maintaining the ecological balance, preventing soil erosion, as medicines, habitats for faunal species, providing nutrients to the soil etc. is well known Clearly, Trees are an important asset, and as with any asset, it is advantageous to ensure that it continues to appreciate. Oxygen production, cleaning the soil, controlling noise pollution, slowing down storm water runoff, acting as carbon sinks, cleaning the air, providing shade and coolness, being windbreaks and fighting soil erosion can be considered as the first few reasons why trees are priceless. Every nation accepts that climate change caused by greenhouse gases and global warming is now a serious threat to life on this planet. World Population needs to work to support conservation efforts to prevent or slow down global warming. Trees help cleanse the air by intercepting airborne particles, reducing heat, and absorbing pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. Trees are as effective as stone walls in stopping sound. They muffle urban noise almost as effectively as stone walls. Trees, planted at strategic points in a neighborhood or around your house, can mitigate major noises from crowded roads, railway stations and airports. A mature leafy tree, in a few months, produces as much oxygen as that required by 10 people for one year.

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