Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Uniform syllabus log jam leads to classes without books: SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School Commences with Life Coping Skills for Adolescent Students.

Secondary school children in Life Skill on participatory approach
Uniform syllabus log jam leads to classes without books: SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School Commences with Life Coping Skills for Adolescent Students. A decision on what lessons to be taught has not been arrived at, as yet. The earlier DMK regime had proposed to introudce the common syllabus for all classes from this academic year, and also went ahead with publishing of books. However, the previous Government lost the assembly elections in the April elections. The New Government did away with the new syllabus, taking exception to certain lessons. As per the direction of the Supreme Court, there needs to be further study on Uniform syllabus and it would take another three weeks, but as directed by Government of Tamilnadu, a bridge course has been introduced till actual classes as per the books accepted by the competent institutions of Government of India. SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School authorities started their bridge course with Life coping skills for the adolescent pupils. Adolescent pupils are considered as the most productive members of the society, due to their physical and intellectual capacity. But it is sad to recognize the fact that most of the adolescent pupils are unable to utilize their potential in an appropriate way due to lack of guidance and motivation. It may be noted that to date, no university or board of school education has come forward to initiate such a programme in the country which may be beneficial to our young people. In this connection life skill education plays a very vital role to increase the awareness among the youth about all social problems and to alleviate social evils from the society. Life skill education helps the individual to improve the decision making skill, ability to take everything in the right sense and also improve their contributions to the society. SEVAI Shanthi Matriculation Higher Secondary School took this opportunity of lean school classes on imparting the Life skills for the school pupils those are adolescents.
Ms.Chitra, School Director mentioned that “A skill is a learned ability to do something well. Life skills are abilities, individuals can learn that will help them to live a fruitful life. Life skills are defined in the Targeting Life Skills as “Skills that help an individual be successful in living a productive and satisfying life.” The abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable individual to deal effectively with demands and challenges everyday life become pertinent in life skills. Thinking skill, social skill and negotiation skill helps the adolescent pupils to develop and grow into well behaved personalities. Life skill education aims to provide students with strategies to make healthy choices that contribute to a meaningful life. Life skills are the abilities that help to promote mental well being and competence in young people as they face the realities of life. It helps the young people to take positive actions to protect themselves and to promote health and meaningful social relationship. Life skill facilitates a complete and integrated development of individuals to function effectively as social beings.Ms.Chitra added ‘Life skill education is a value addition programme for the youth to understand self and able to assess their skill, abilities and areas of developments. Which also enable them to analyze their capacity to enhance the function in a most productive way. Life skill education allows the youth get along with other people, able to adjust with their environment and making responsible decision. Which also incorporate to build up their values and to communicate effectively. In many circles, reproductive health education, population education and family welfare education are interchangeably used to convey the same meaning. The main objective of life skill education is to enable the learner to develop a concept of oneself as a person of worth and dignity. It should help one to understand oneself and lead to growth in personal responsibility.’
Life skill covering the areas like leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal responsibility, people skill and self direction and Leadership skill enables the person to solve problems, attain his/her life goal and the ability to motivate others and also achieve a common goal”.Govin

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